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Man...This anime gets sadder and sadder by the episode


violetevergarden3&4.wmv (1080p)

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Btw there is also a movie for this that continues the story!


Good to see that you guys are enjoying the journey on the feels train. This episode 3 was just a taste of what is coming. Fun fact that is not mentioned in the anime: when they call Violet a child it is because she really is a child, when the major meets her she is 10 y/o and starts working at the agency at 14.


That's insane! Kinda makes me look at the major differently too lol, I'll assume he meant he loved her as a caregiver/older brother


It's weird alright. That said the way age works with this is a bit weird - nobody knows how old Violet actually is but she's definitely in her teens, think estimates go from like 14-18. The major is still hella older than her though. Suppose you could kind of look past that as just something that comes with it being in a historical setting and that and therefore the characters can't be judged all that badly, but it's still a bit odd that the author made that decision!

jay jay

when it comes to the whole age thing you also have it look at what kind of world the anime is set in.... back in the day age isn't as focused on as it is today girls got engaged in their early teens and were considered a woman at 16 im pretty sure.... look at it from how we are brought up these days where there is a fine line with age does make it seems wrong and weird but in the actualy world of the story its the norm

jay jay

she is human ..... she only has the mechanical arms after the war because she lost her own...... think of her as a child solider like they have in certain country in Africa they go and raid the villages around the battlefield and towns villages from the land they take over use children for potential soldiers... violet is essentially one of those kids


Glad to see you guys enjoying the show so far considering it’s a little different than what you usually react to

Jose silva

Loving this reactions man keep up the good work, also glad your channel might be saved

Job Pedro

Glad you guys are enjoying this series it’s one of the few last ones by Kyoto animation and it always holds a special place in my heart. Can’t wait to see more!