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Sorry I've been busy the past few days so uploads have been a little light, I'll have plenty of stuff coming here very soon so be on the lookout! Appreciate you all for your continued understanding and support!



You've been hustling hard and putting out content faster than most people. As patreons, we appreciate it a whole lot. Matter of fact, we spoiled as hell! And yes i will remind you again, GET SOME SLEEP AND REST FAM!


Anytime g. A wise man once said: "Albeit a virtual one still fam nonetheless" 👍😜


Love You!


Literally the only channel I pay patreon for that’s how much I appreciate the work you put in. A break every once in a while is needed for sure man!

Shin splits

Na its all good y’all are way more consistent then most other creators out there


I Just got Patreon to watch you guys, but no problem take the time you need and keep up with the great content.

Jose loeza

Dont worry yall been working hard so yall deserve a break


At least you're giving us a status report while still uploading the three weekly shows, adding onto the Danmachi S1 finale. Take your time with what you gotta do.


No rush, just do what you gotta do


Ye dont worry, other patreons are not as great as you guys. In a few months i see you with more than 1000+ patrons cause of the outstanding work you provide,