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NEW VIDEO LINK:https://streamable.com/j8bgmk

Here it is! If you haven't seen this movie you're missing out!



The Skeletal Jazz Wizard

"there's a show on cartoon network on adult swim that he reminds me of" SPEHSSS DANDYYYY

Kristofer Svahn

Glad that you guys liked it!! Here is some trivia (something i've should have included before) Using over 100,000 hand-made drawings and absolutely no CGI whatsoever, Redline spent seven years in production before its final release.


Ah shit, for this one it's pretty unanimous that the Dub is phenomenal, some even said it was better than the Sub. In anycase, it was a fun movie with a fun reaction! Thanks y'all!


Damn, this was totally worth subbing for!! Hope y'all react to more anime movies in the future


btw more trivia: machinehead is soneshee father and the pimp with the golden car is the crack old mafia guy


yeah its madhouse but dont compare this to their typical shows. almost all done by hand over a decade to make. puts most animation today to shame