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Bruh!! Lili is trifling! 



Jose silva

Lili was born into the Familia because both of her parents where part of the soma Familia, so she has been dealing with that abuse most of her life because her parents die in the dungeon. The main reason she hates adventures is because her whole life she only knew the abusive soma Familia adventures, so when she meets Bell she thinks his weird because he actually treats her fairly.


Yeah it’s as if she’s in denial that there are adventurers that can actually be decent to her.

Jose silva

Also that blonde chick you guys are probably talking about at the end of the video its not a spoiler so don't worry she is just another character.


I think the anime kinda skirted Bell's reasoning for caring for Lili so much, but he says like one line super fast about how he used to be in Lili's position of being poor, rejected, and struggling. I wish he emphasized that more, 'cause I think that sounds so much better than "I saved you because you're you."


Oh okay thank goodness lol. It looked a lot like Ainz but as whatever the race that Lili is


thanks for the upload sensei


Yoo Sherm that Jesus comment was so left field that shit was mad funny😂😂😂


She want that ningen meat


Yo Lili's one of my favs from the series actually but yeah they didnt dive into her too well but besides that time for more fun facts/answers. 1. for the big bag Lili has, it,s mostly empty but it does have supplies inside for whatever they may encounter (potions, antidotes, first aid supplies but Lili actually has a skill that lets her carry far more than she should be able too. It's a supporter specific skill. 2. the tree that the Orc picked up that turned into a club is called a "Landform" they are natural weapons that form from the dungeon on lower floors some monsters smash boulders to pull out swords and axes .all made of stone or wood though depending on the level they are at it could be stronger than an Iron sword. 3. When Lili's ears disappeared, she was deactivation her magic "Cinderella" it lets her disguise her self to a surprising amount it can even change her clothes but they dont use it much in the anime. 4. Bell didnt finish off the Orcs, when Ais (that blonde girl) showed up she cut a path threw them which he used to go after Lili. he did thank her before he left though and Ais is just a human she has no relation to Lili. 5. Grimoir's go for several Million in their world but that one was planted by Freya cause she wanted to see would happen to Bell so he could "shine more". and 6. Magic is kinda hard to explain for this world there are 2 types the first that races like elves are born with and then the kind people can learn by joining a Familia and getting a gods blessing for the Familia ones though some people go their whole lives without learning any magic. the Blessing grants the person skills based on what they do in their lives for an archer he might gain some skills related to long range combat or dexterity bonus' for a mage they might get new spells or something to make their magic stronger or faster, and like in Lili's case a supporter might learn skills that make it easier to carry stuff or break down monsters more efficiently. There are so many skills they cant name them all but 1 thing for magic is 1 person can only learn 3 spells maybe 4 in this world. another long one but I'm a rambler hope you guys enjoy the next episode .


Jovan needs to understand this is an older type of series where tropes were used all over the place because it is what worked back in the day. That was hilarious tho how you immediately came back with that Jesus line just absolutely destroying him for shitting on the act of forgiveness lol. But for me the ending to that last episode was one of the best moments in this series. It had its own emotional music thrown in and the voice actor (in my opinion) doing an amazing job at conveying just how shook she was about everything in that moment and sort of battling with herself because this is the first time she was ever really treated right even after her mistakes and a life of being kicked around. I know people can see this series as mediocre and typical but to me it has always had something to it that just feels good. It is sort of hard to convey but it is like one of those series that can make you feel easy and happy and basically one of your guilty pleasures to where others think it is shit but you happen to like it. You don't always need to pick at every little detail or flaw to enjoy an anime. It seemed like Jovan was so busy making jokes and hating on the "MC tropes" that he didn't really experience what I think to be a great moment of the series and what it has to offer. That being the end of the episode like I stated earlier. But anyway I am done lol


Yo Lili is one of my favorite characters from this series but yeah they did no go into her very well but regardless time for more fun facts 1. For the tree that the Orc picked up those are known as "Landforms" natural weapons made by the dungeon for the monsters the show never really goes into it but all the gods say that the dungeon is alive anything that breaks or gets destroyed eventually repairs be it walls, ceilings, or tunnels eventually they will go back to normal and the dungeon gives weapons to the monsters be it wood or stone a monster can pick up a tree and get a club or smash a rock and pul out a hatchet. 2. Lili's backpack is mostly empty it has a light wood frame in it to keep in big like that so it is easier to get into she does carry some items into the dungeon like potions and antidotes and such but she actually has a skill that lets her carry far more than she should be able too. 3. Skills and magic are kind of hard to explain in this series because a person can only learn "Skills" once they have a gods blessing and Magic works the same way but some races can use magic without a blessing (like elves and such) but magic and skills show up in response to the person like an archer would learn skills related to sniping and gain dexterity based skills while a Mage might get something to make their magic stronger or gain skills to increase their magic. Skills show up based on what they do so for Lili it was the ability to carry more and she earned a Magic Called Cinderella. 4. For Lili's Cinderella it lets her disguise herself to an incredible extent, it cant change her height or body type all that much but she can change everything else Hair color/Length, Eye color, race, even her clothes. 5. Grimoirs go for several Million in their world and are very rare but Bell got lucky because that was actually planted there by Freya she was holding it at the end of episode 4. she wanted to see Bell grow more since she is crazy for him and gave him the book to see what would happen. and 6. When Bell was trapped by the Orcs he didnt defeat all of them He put up a good fight but when Ais came to save him she cut down enough that Bell went after Lili. He did thank Ais for helping him though so he remembered his manners at least and Ais is just a Human she has no relation to Lili, I dont really have a reason for her head armor it's just a part of her design.


sorry for the long one but I dont know how to not ramble hope you guys like the next couple of episodes theres a good fight coming soon.


To be fair they dont go into Lili and Bell's team up very well for the anime, they left so much out so it's easy to see it as MC syndrom. There is alot more build up between them in the LN and manga that make that scene better but they left most of that out so we just have to work with what we get but I get where you're comming from.

Umi-Ocean R

I like going into the comments to read these cuz I always learn more about this anime that makes it so much better in world building even when ive already seen this show twice so thanks for these!


Lol yeah I enjoyed the scene though. He could have had a better explanation, which from what I’m hearing, he does in the manga.


Thank you for this bro!! It's always dope getting more information that may have been left out or not as clearly defined as the manga/LN!


My Guys! Helping me keep my sanity at work, mad slow on a 12 hour shift.

Lord LaMink

Bell Cranel "The Simp God" lol


The Joseph Joestar exclamations in the beginning killed me, especially Terrence's perfect "HOLY SHIEETT"


Demeter with the "Ara ara" "Shut your bitch-ass up." Me: "How about you shut your bitch-ass up and watch? Lol." The only dude that apparently enjoys watching a little girl get beat up. But yeah, if you think about it, if he just abandoned her, that would've been way out of character for starters, and it would prove Lili right that all adventurers are assholes, it would just continue the vicious cycle that's been going on. "You fuck with me, I fuck with you." Bell had the balls to stop that cycle, and be the bigger person. A sign of maturity tbh.


Bell is the loyal type of guy that would stick with me till the end. I would succ the soul out of that guy. 👅


So uhhhhh you gay or you actually a female? I ain't gonna lie tho I like that profile pic. But damn you horny as hell.


I'm a girl and no I'm just lewd, I also got a bf so don't take life seriously enjoy the moment. 😘


when you just wish some anime tropes were real.....


lol you guys have good chemistry between each other