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This episode was lit!! Can't wait for next week!!


toge3.wmv (1080p)

Watch "toge3.wmv (1080p)" on Streamable.



I'm sooooooo nervous about the reunion with Rachel. I bet she's turned into an absolute savage, and has already locked away that sweet personality Bam knows her by. Idk man, hella scared for Bam right now.


I know right, I wanna protect Bam lol, it's like he's innocent and should be shielded from how the world really is


Anak really sending a message to the other teams after that 1v3, that's some strong tur...lizard, with Hatz as the other fighter and Shibisu for the brains that team is stacked, looking forward to the rest of this test, I was already interested in TOG before that arc but that's when it started to hit for most readers.


Facts! It's getting crazy good! I love it, and the art style is just growing on me so much


Soon I forgot to upload it before I went into work smh


SORRY ACTUAL LINK IS HERE: https://streamable.com/rmflgh