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It's April! Another month! As we are all aware, these have been some..."stressful" times for us all. With Covid-19 all around the world now, our lives as we know them have changed drastically. 

With that being said, we hope that you all are staying safe, and healthy through this period of time we are in.

I want to say thank you to all of our Patrons who stuck around for another month! And if you're new here, welcome! We look forward to continuing to provide you all with great content! 

We will be exploring our options moving forward, but we would like to implement live streaming our reactions to our patrons as we record them, that means you would get to see EVERYTHING, from set up, to the video reaction, to even yes, Ice pack time behind the scenes lol. But it's just going to help with full length reactions and all that moving forward.

Anyway, here's to another month of patronage! We love you all for the support you give, even in these trying times! Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep your families close!

-Re:animated team



Finally. We will be able to see the fabled ice packs 😍


Just a plan, currently looking at option for camera recording and live streaming software compatible with Patreon


It’s okay! I’ll make it so that it archives it so even if you don’t catch it live, you can catch it afterwards!


yo thatd be chil; las fuck to hang out during lvie streams of the recording, you guys stay safe too