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Ishigami, never change bro!! These episodes just get funnier and funnier as they go on!



Watch "KaguyaE9&10.wmv" on Streamable.



For me, Hayasaka is the best character in this show for me. She really makes good use of the little time she is given. Always a great addition when she appears!


I love how at 46:9 she insults his bangs!


I can confirm that the Konosuba movie was really funny, literally laughed for the whole 1h30! I saw people complaining that the animation is not as good since JCStaff is animating it but tbh it looked really good! Hope you guys laugh as much as I did !


Hayasaka best girl, but sick Kaguya is sooooo adorable. My heart melted when I saw that the first time. Too damn cute. Possibly my favorite episode, or one of my fav episodes. I hope we get sick Kaguya again in S2. They really nailed it with the over-the-top and kawaii af facial expressions these two eps.


Btw, Ishigami reminds me a lot of MHA's Suneater/Amajiki Tamaki.


Episodes where great y’all’s reactions where fire great stuff. Butler girl definitely growing on me. Ishigami has always been great.


Javon’s moving the decimal to the left two spaces is what I use. It’s not exact but pretty damn close. Decimal method 5,000 yen to $50 Actual conversion 5,000 yen $46.14