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As promised! Kaguya sama love is war!



Watch "KaguyaE1&2.wmv" on Streamable.



Idk if you already recorded the next episodes but just DON'T skip the ending on episode 3!


Haven’t recorded them yet!


Side Note: Have you guys been watching Dorohedoro? I've been checking your YouTube but haven't seen y'all react to it in a while.


You see the thing is when middle guy was talking about them showing them at the movies, that didn't actually happen in the manga so it would just be filler really. The stories are pretty much how you see them in the manga. If anything they skip some chapters from the manga. But only like 3 from what I've read.


It's basically cliche in a spoof/parody kinda way. It's basically a romcom that makes fun of romcoms. XD


I almost met the VA at Otakon, but my con schedule didn't have room for it :( He's also the voice of Benimaru in Slime.


You know I come to this reaction months later hoping to finally be able to get into this anime but this ain't my shit. I get what it is doing but I just don't enjoy it. Don't get the hype around it either but hey that is just me. Pissed that this replaced DxD tho lmao


How far did you make it? The anime starts off slow but it really picks up around episode 5/6. And all of season 2 is an absolute banger.