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This is poison!




Maomao: “This is poison” Reanimated gang: “And THIS is a reaction”

Rick Hound

Here we go

Marlen Mendez

Finally had some time to watch and see Apothecary Diaries live drop feature!??! It’s a great day.


Just finished binging the entire series and loved it, looking forward to more reactions!


Last episode was actually the start of some kind of arc with the colored flames, but this ep is where you really start to learn some interesting stuff about the last emperor and the difference with this one. 🧐 Also if you pay attention there was a little foreshadowing in a certain scene, an Easter egg if you will just in time for the holiday. The question is can you find it? 😉🐇🥚

John Doe

if he's sleepy he should go sleep instead of sitting there napping with sunglasses on, lmao


for the dude that gave Maomao the like coral colored hair pin that tip toe thing was him trying to look taller apparently, in the Manga maomao commented on it and even said he had his Belt higher up to make his legs look longer as well or something like that.


Yeah, on the subject of puffer fish poison: Remember in Spy x Family, when some dude squeezed puffer fish juicy into a glass for Yor to drink (with the intention of revenge), and Yor just tanked it.... and it actually temporarily cured the pain in her ass from when she got shot? XD


I knew immediately from her facial expressions that had to be poison. LOL.