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Hiya there :),

Just letting everyone know that I will be taking a 1-2 day break. I am still here however and ready to hear any feedback or ideas you may have :D;D

Thank you for your patience :).



Relax, senpai. Take your time.


Enjoy nice rest senpai!


Just chill out and get away from technology on your break


I would always recommend taking regular breaks. It's good for your health. Not everyday has to be about work


Have a good rest. Have fun :)


A lot of people neglect their health not realizing just how much it affects their general performance in nearly everything. It's good that you haven't lost sight of that. Take care.


Take care my dude, you deserve it

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 08:28:03 Take a good rest my friend!! You definitely deserve it for the quality you provide us <3
2020-11-23 01:35:49 Take a good rest my friend!! You definitely deserve it for the quality you provide us <3

Take a good rest my friend!! You definitely deserve it for the quality you provide us <3


Take all the time you need. Art takes time. Recharge and do what makes you happy, when it makes you happy. We'll be here :)