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Heya there :),

Almost all of Jessie's alternate versions have finished rendering. I will start uploading them to the archive as soon as they finish. The animation post will be updated with the links also.

Jessie's animation now has 8 versions total **4 with both eyes closed during the cumshot and 4 with maintained eye contact ;)**. Since many people wanted to see her maintain eye contact to the end. I have decided to rent a render farm and just get all extra versions rendered today :D:D:D. Stay frosty ;):).



Render farm... Is that like growing Dental Floss in Montana?


thank you so much <3


Thanks for all the hardwork and effort!!


Thanks for the dedication


Can’t wait it doesn’t get any better then yours 🔥


It is a computer graphics super server. with the sole purpose of rendering heavy and time consuming 3d scenes as quickly as possible


Thank you very much for your hardwork Senpai! You really are the best!!!

Mikael Barstad

Thank you so much for the eye contact versions 😊