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Hi everyone! We hope all of you have been doing well.

We're currently wrapping up version 0.7.4 of School of Lust, which should release later today for Level 20+ patrons for closed alpha testing and it will release soon after for Level 10+ patrons, assuming there aren't any major bugs in the new release.

This new update was supposed to include one of the upcoming dating scenes, but unfortunately we've underestimated it, but we should have it ready for the next release. That said, this new update still has a few interesting additions that we believe you guys are going to enjoy.

You can view the detailed changelog over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/85737118 

Also a big thank you to everyone who have completed the survey regarding the boss fight in the Hole. It was very enlightening to us to read the varied feedback. Almost exactly half of you found the boss fight to be fine and the other half thought it needed some adjustment, so we've decided to lower the damage of the boss in the Hole. We plan to do a few more adjustments in the next update to make it more balanced.

As always, thank you for your support. We will post as soon as version 0.7.4 is available to download.

Cheers =)

BG Team


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