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Next update: Monday




like is there a plan for how to contact her later to get picked up?


Hmm it seems she already knew their plan? Or she just happen to be there. Eother way i guess they are already doom so i wonder how much she will let biys belive their plan is working😅😁 And i hope the student girl participantes in whatever she is planning would be a shame if she gets shrunk too.☹️😍


Hehe, let the games begin!!!


Yeah i feel that too or she will join the punishment to save her self but i feel it will be the first but who knows in Mastershinker stories you dont know what to expect😁


I have a feeling nadia told the teacher their plan. Would explain wanting to get paid early. I think she will reveal herself at some point and crush one. My hope is she is shrunk as well still for helping them cheat.

Rolling waters

I hope she sneaks up on them and shrinks Nadia too.