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Next update: Thursday




Now the daugther crush her too🤣


Oh c'mon! He's dead already?? I was hoping for an interaction between all 3... i hope there's an alternate ending to this as well. Not demanding just hoping...

Tito The Pupusa

Going to be honest, I would of loved more nano type scenarios but oh well… I think it was too soon but still excited where the story could go with the husband dead now.


It's incredibly difficult to render three of them in one image, the pov page took me like half a day because I have to render them three times and then combine them in photoshop 😅. Also we're reaching 200 pages already so I think it has been running long enough


It's kinda hard to render a scene with nano-sized characters, to be honest. Like, I need to have some props that can show the size of the character, while those kinds of props are kinda hard to find


Hope you we have a nice pov crush from the daugther 😉 keep it up