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Hello everyone!

As some of you might have already noticed, I closed the REQUEST TIER (60$). Instead I will open a separate monthly 15 slots  commissions list which will be exclusive to ALL patrons and will be handled like all my other  commissions without Patreon acting as an intermediary.

Here's a more detailed description of the new guidelines: BBC Chan's PATREON SKETCH COMMISSIONS GUIDELINES - Google Docs
Please read it carefully, as it explains how the discounts and new patrons rotation work.

I think in the long run this will be a better and more flexible solution than using Patreon as a commissions platform.




This is actually a pretty excellent system for combining Patreon subs and commission slots. I might copy it wholesale once I get my own Patreon up and running. Good stuff!


Thanks for the explanation ^^


Hi there! Your guideline says "You will send me an email that MUST contain the following", but then it doesn't provide the email address to use. O.o What should I do?