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Informing again about the progress.
Cameo sprites are done!^^
I got DG's sprites done yesterday and today I finished Rasmus'.
Damon's sprites has took the most work of the spritesxDD But I have the base colors done so I just need to add the shadings and the rest lil details.
We are getting there -thumbs up-



doing a great job im sure ☺️ keep up the good work!


I guess Damon is the one with the most details? 🤣 Remember to take your time!


WOOOOO!!! Make sure to have a break and eat cos that's one thing I always forget :')


I would say it's because of his hairxDD And I actually got the sprites done👌it took me almost whole dayxDD But don't worry! I did take some breaks👍✨


I did take some breaks but I also worked on with them almost whole dayxDD But Ayoo! I'm happy I got them done! I do still have some work to do but at least these are done🙈