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I think I should mention this here:oo because I do want everyone to know.^w^
When I take patron requests (hearty seedling and sunny hearty tiers) I do suggest to send them early or middle of the month.
It's more comfortable to me this way^^
I do of course totally understand that we forget sometimes:oo I'm good example who forgets oftenxDD
But if you guys can do this I would really appreciate it<33

Thank you for reading and thank you so much for the support<33
I also hope you guys are having good day/night<3




Whew can I request?


I checked your tier and on Patreon app it shows that you're in Hearty tier🤔Hearty seedlings and Sunny heartys can send requests. But sometimes I do make posts when people can send some suggestions if I'm having difficulties what to draw, so when I do those then you can send suggestion and it might get picked^^ but it's limited so you can't ask -for example own ocs. You can give topics or if you want to see specific oc of mine, those are fine^^ Sorry for long reply😂


THIS IS GOOD STUFF!!!!! Im glad I ask if it's a good time because I always get so paranoid of coming at a bad time haha but THIS is so good 😫