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大家還記得上上週發的影片嗎?這是另一個「完完全全完整的」正片,為什麼會說是隱藏版呢,因為其實當天有錄了兩個成功的版本,但我個人糾結到底要挑哪個來當正式影片糾結了非常的久,後來決定用第二次的;但這個第一次也非常獨特我不想隨便就把它刪除掉,於是決定直接用一鏡到底的方式分享給會員們看啦!  雖然是同一首曲子,但是因為是即興所以兩次的詮釋方法有非常多微妙的不同。不知道大家聽起來覺得怎麼樣,比較喜歡哪個版本呢?  

This is a another complete full alternative version of me playing "To Love's  End" (Affections Touching Across Time). And the reason it exists is  because that back to that day, we've successfully recorded 2 times of  this song. But I wasn't sure which one was better. At last I chose the  2nd recording, but this one also has its unique advantage I don't wanna  just delete it. So I decided to share it with you guys with only one camera angle (ONE TAKE🤣). Comparing to the official public version, this one has many different improvising  thoughts. Which one do you prefer more?


「時代を越える想い」隱藏版 To Love's End (Alternate Version)

這是一個完完全全完整的影片,為什麼會說是隱藏版呢,因為其實當天有錄了兩個成功的版本,但我個人糾結到底要挑哪個來當正式影片糾結了非常的久,後來決定用第二次的;但這個第一次也非常獨特我不想隨便就把它刪除掉,於是決定直接用一鏡到底的方式分享給會員們看啦! 雖然是同一首曲子,但是因為是即興所以兩次的詮釋方法有非常多微妙的不同。不知道大家聽起來覺得怎麼樣,比較喜歡哪個版本呢? This is a complete full alternative version of me playing "To Love's End" (Affections Touching Across Time). And the reason it exists is because that back to that day, we've successfully recorded 2 times of this song. But I wasn't sure which one was better.



v1比較有柔和/淒美的feeling,比較中規中矩 v2的比較特別 有一些段落有特殊小花, 喜歡04:00-04:15那邊的彈法! 有磅礡的氣勢>< 愛~


都好好聽 (嗚 我的青春QQ