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Hello all! This is just a quick post to let you know that September will be a bit hectic for me! You'll notice a weeklong out-of-town trip that I'm going to be taking, which I will TRY to use to get some relaxation and de-stress time in, since most of my Optional Wednesday Health Breaks won't be happening. For most of the month, there will be constant work finishing ATW#5. You'll also notice some days cordoned off for a refit of ATW#1-4, and this is because they contain outdated info, need some minor art fixes, and a bunch of other things that I've put off for too long. And there's also a cover and advertisements to be made for the launch of #5. 

We will be doing a Skunktember wallpaper and store code this month, but there's not going to be a poll of any kind. I did have a much bigger event planned, with more engagement and commissions, but after thinking on it, it would definitely burn me out, and slow down all the other stuff already on the table. So we might end up doing a Skunktober this year instead. Thanks for your support and patience, as always. If all goes to plan, ATW#5 will be out on or around October 1st! 



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