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This is an old piece I dug out from 2013. Originally there were going to be multiple religions in the world of El Indon, but the Guilds were so interesting I just focused on them. This other belief system was going to involve masks and secret identities, but I never hashed it out much beyond that. 




So...touching on the topic of comic planning, exactly how much of El Indon is already set in stone, and how much--like this--is up in the air or could change? I'd like to start on a webcomic of my own someday, but I feel like I'd be a bit hesitant to really do anything with it unless I had something along the lines of a full script for the entire thing already set out. Is something like that even remotely necessary, or can you figure things out as you go so long as you have a basic storyline in mind?


Also, even if other religions don't end up in the comic, I feel like a concept like this (masks, secret identities, et cetera) would probably fit in with the world of El Indon pretty fluidly.