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Well, that got done faster than last time, which was the plan! Points for that.

You'll notice that the sketches aren't shaded this month (except for Blitzroo's, because it's part of a set). I made that choice so it would cut down on the time each sketch took, but I have to say, I wish I didn't need to. I still like how these came out, and hope you do too. Hopefully once I get my apnea treatment (appointment this Tuesday!) that won't be as necessary. 

Thanks for supporting my livelihood another month! Coming up next, a special ATW post. 




T’be honest, I didn’t realize you usually generally shaded the monthly sketches—these certainly still look good! Definitely a fair tradeoff to make the job more manageable.

Clover Arizona

Fantastic work as always! And I hope your appointment goes well, too.


Love how these came out!


These are excellent as always <3 Thank you for everything you do JD! <3