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Hey everyone, just want to start off by saying thank you to those who've stuck around despite a lot of my inactivity in the last month or two. I haven't forgotten about this page or account, and I apologize for not giving more updates before now.

As to where I've been: Primarily, my personal and professional life have both had me stretched thin. I don't want to get specific regarding the details, as they're more private than I'd like to divulge to a public audience, but I figured I at least owed you all some form of reason for my absence. Secondly, and most recently, I've been under the weather. I get sick pretty easily, and during the entirety of March and early April I was pretty much unable to work properly due to illness.

All of this being said, things are *hopefully* going to be slowing down for me in May, and inversely, hopefully speeding back up for my art grind. I always say this, and then something always comes up, so, I guess I'm saying this this time around with hopes that I'll force through whatever comes. I've got a couple of commissions left from that batch I opened back in December (if you have not received any update from me personally, feel free to reach out and we can discuss things. I've not forgotten about any of them) and I'm hoping to post all the public ones at once on here once I finish them all up.

Otherwise, I've also not forgotten about the Misato drive or any of my other previously mentioned projects. (Yes, even things as old as the Bulma comic I first posted on this account). I actually have a (very) rough sketch for the winner of the March fanart poll that I'll see about attaching to this post.

Sorry if this post is a little hard to read, haha. I guess I'm still a little scrambled, but I'm trying my best to get things moving here again. As always, thank you to those who've stuck with me so far.



Jeffrey Schroeder

Welcome back! It's fine to take as much time as you need, only thing is would it be possible to get monthly updates? Just a way to know what you might have planned for the future, but otherwise glad you're back.


That's actually something I've hoped to do for a while, they may be repetitive at some points, but I'll go ahead and try to do those. Thank you for the suggestion!