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I promise I will be more consistently active eventually.

I'm trying to cook up a backlog so that way when I do have these lulls in being able to draw, you guys still have content, especially since my personal life has been very unpredictable as of late.

I've got a couple of comms to wrap up, some of which will be posted if their respective commissioners are okay with it, a before and after that'll probably have it's rough outline posted today or tomorrow if I don't end up getting it cleaned up sooner than not, and then finally I'll be starting the Misato Katsuragi drive later this month. That drive does not mean I won't finish that 3 part sequence with her. I also would still like to finish the story I posted a WIP of earlier this month, along with another secret story I've yet to share.

Finally, I'll also be posting my first fanart poll here later today. Gathering up characters to choose from as we speak.

Thanks to all who've stuck with me despite my inactivity, I very much appreciate it. To all those who've left and come back, thank you for your understanding.

Here's to a more active month!


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