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Hi there folks, it's your favorite artist ever, nihijack- who you most definitely do NOT want to kick in the balls and teeth and a couple of other choice areas for nearly a month of inactivity. Welcome to something I'm hoping to make a habit of, that being a monthly Newsletter at the start of each month. Definitely not stealing this idea from a couple of other artists.

There were a couple of very unexpected, very time-consuming events this month that kept rolling in one after the other, some family and some medically related. It kinda kept me away from drawing, mostly via means of draining the energy I have in my free time. I'm not here to bore you all with excuses though. November is gonna be a big month, and I'm going to try to stick to that promise. Part of doing so is, this. The newsletter. It's gonna hopefully double as a checklist for different ideas I'd like to work on throughout the month. It's not a hardline guide, as I may change or tweak some small details, but it's something more concrete than just letting them sit quietly in my head until I put them to paper.

And what ideas do I have planned for November, you may ask? Well, I've made a couple of choice rambles on twitter, but the gist of them are as follows:


I'll post the touched up sketches tomorrow more than likely, but I'm going to be wrapping up the drive in full. Said I would before, saying it again now. I've made small bits of progress in the background, but nothing enough to showcase any updates here. Once I have those sketches up, it's a lot shorter of a road to simply line and color, which I'll be sure to do shortly thereafter, and if all goes well, get the parts up this weekend. Two parts, couple of alts, slob & not. Might have the finale be the first nude part? Maybe as an alt? Maybe as the main. If you have a preference, leave it in the comments, shouldn't be too hard to add either or in. I'm putting this first because I'm nearly done with them, I've just had a bunch of interruptions that prevented me from taking the final steps.

2. The Very First Nihijack OFFICIAL Story of ALL TIME

AKA, I'm gonna write a quick little story. What about? I'm probably either going to do something with Rebecca or perhaps a pre-existing character, i.e. Misato Katsuragi from Evangelion. I might do a poll about this as well, with a few different character options. I've been told my writing skills are pretty decent, so I hope you all will enjoy what I come up with.


Hoping to do at least one or two community OC pieces this month, assuming I can get permission from their respective creators. In addition, I want to finish up that Misato render I teased last month, I may end up going in and re-doing the initial sketch, maybe something a little more dynamic with the fat. I really wanna experiment more with having the actual *heft* of the character be visibly felt in the image. If I don't do Misato, I may do fanart in my usual style of another character, whom I may do a poll for as well.


Probably the biggest venture I could take on, I may look into doing a small comic in the background of my main projects. Something either in black and white or basic colors like my usual pieces. No shading or rendering though. It won't be directly tied to the OCs you know now, however, I very much hope to introduce them later down the line. The general idea I've got floating around is something in a college setting, or at the very least with that sorta early 20s age group. The main character I'm still ironing out, but it's more than likely going to be a pseudo-nerd/neet girl archetype. I may toss a design up for her this month as well. That athletic girl I design will also more than likely feature in this comic. I *cannot* promise when exact pages may go up with my current schedule, as this is very much meant to be a more lax, free-time-oriented project on the side, but I've got this idea and I really wanna run with it. I have more specific plot details in my head, but I wanna save them for the sake of not ruining whatever little story I have going on. I may make a subcategory for this stuff to toss up my ideas and plans where I can.

That's the general gist of what I've got going, it's not a *ton* but it's definitely a lot more active than last month. I apologize that I'm not the most consistent artist on the platform, and I'm very much appreciative of those who've stuck with me so far. I'll make it worth your while.

Thank you all for your patience, and I'll be sure to keep you updated shortly hereafter! If you have any questions or concerns, just leave them in the comments below, I'll answer them ASAP!




No worries about not uploading! Personal affairs come first. Also, I would prefer a fully-nude AND fully slob alt for the finale, personally. Great to have you back!


I prefer nudity as an alt.


Nude alts sounds good


No nut November themed weight gain