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The Gold bot is significantly more stable than the public bots as it can only be used exclusively by patrons, so I'd highly recommend you use it instead of the public ones (unless you're a Sapphire patron with your own private bot).

Here's how you can switch from the public/beta bot to the exclusive Gold bot:

1. First link your Discord account to your Patreon account.
2. Take note of any permissions you gave to the public bot and kick it from your server.
3. Invite the Gold bot.
4. Send a DM to the Gold bot: "power-overwhelming SERVERID" (without "vc/" in front,  just copy paste that and replace SERVERID with your server ID).

To find your server ID, just DM the Gold bot: "who am i".

Your server config (channel setup) unfortunately won't be copied over as the Gold bot is on a totally different server from the public bots, so you'll need to set everything up again.
If your config was particularly complex, you can ask me in the #gold patrons channel of the support server to copy it over manually, but I may not be available at the time you ask so it could take up to a day for me to get to it.


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