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Heya party people, just a quick update. Worked on the magnets from morning till noon. If you ever wanna glue magnets to plaster... just don't. Didn't worked as well as anticipated and I had to carve out beds for the magnets on all the sculpt copies, filled those with super glue and hoped for the best. Fortunatly it worked out, after failing to hotglue the magnets to the backs of the copies. irgh.
In the afternoon I refined some commission sketches, inked and colored a panel of the Gaynon Comic and worked some more on a Christmas Card.
Need to prepare some more stuff for the Christmas Market, while working on the comic and some more Patreon content. I hope you understand.

Looking forward to share more stuff with you peeps soon 🥰✨

Love ya





I would love to buy one of these too, if possible

David Po

Nice work!