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You guys! Worked on this comic lately... Well, actually it was suppose to be a SMALL series of pics... like 3-4, but it got out of hand SO QUICKLY. I am sorry for taking so long, but I thought you might like me adding other characters and some dialogue, well and even a lil animation.

Unfortunatly, I can't afford to post everything for this tear. I hope you understand.

Since I moved I have higher bills to pay and due to the preps and aftermath lesser time to do my job properly, which shows in the payouts of patreon. 

I am sure I will be able to afford to share my art fully for a smaller price in the future, but right now this is only rasonable for me. I hope you understand and will enjoy the comic nonetheless.

Thank you SO much for your ongoing support and love. This really keeps me going!

Thank you kindly, my dear.

Love ya.





Don't you hate it when your friends don't wake you up for an orgy that happens around you...then make you late for a meeting?... No?


Also Really Love your Prof. Neroli too, he is adorably sexy and chubby( in all the right places 🍆) and hope we get to see more of him in the future, this was great!🥰😍💖💖💕👍


damn Neroli is PACKING