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Hey folks, sorry for the long wait... (and first of all sorry for the long post)

Had to do my tax declaration over the weekend and helped some friend move.

Oh boy... my tax accountant told me I was earning less then minimum wage...If I can't do better 2017/18 the tax authorities might close my business... I was feeling pretty down the last days. 

But I know things will going to be alright in the future... Guess it's natural to earn less then expected in the first year. Thinking how to solve it without any changes for you.... 

Thinking of adding a service for 10$/month...but I don't know yet maybe something like tutorials or challenges you can give me for 10 bugs a month... but as 5$ member you are still able to see the results...

hmmm cause it simply wouldn't feel right to just raise the prices... 

I am not good in takeing money from my sweethearts like every other artist can... --_--''

Anyways...I will concider something in the future and will discuss it with you...If you might have an idea don't hesitate to tell me. Just want us all to be happy and enjoying things...

So well now you know what was keeping me away the last days...

also did some commissions for a rl-friend of mine...he is an architect student and wanted me to do a paied collaboration work for some of his classes. 

The Task: 4 Speed-Paintings/Collages - Interior Designs for Snow White

- Throne Room

- Mirror Chamber

-Dwarf's Kitchen

-Dwarf's Bedroom

Was pretty fun....we thought about haveing a gay twist in it...find them atteched to this post <3

Hope you like them even it's not porn...

Tomorrow I will continue working on a Pixel Commission...hope you are looking forward to it...so do I :D







Taxes suck, man! I just payed mine and it appeared to be about half of all my income, because 1) I was a contractor (=self-employed) 2) Made much more than average what people earn. 3) Don't have any noticeable deductions, because I live alone in a rented place not so far from work and don't have a family. So, after all this taxes it appears that so little left. F..ck... Feels so unfair when you work hard and even have a good job, but still can't save any good amount.


hmmm how about at 10$ you'll do a commission? just be sure to (1) put in how many you'll take (2) links to what character you accept to feathure in (3) what you refuse to do like gore or something like that because when you got the money you can't say no to those commission


What Artem said... Taxes are unfair shit sometimes =_= I hope you get to solve things right ^^

Timothy Kolbasa

How about commissions like, taking Glas on a date for $20? I have seen other patreons do it to some success. Just require characters/OCs, and a date/position idea. Gives you more opportunity to flesh out Glas as well. Otherwise, yeah, the $10 commissions idea is great. I know I would definitely pay for it! :D


Kleine Korrektur: "zu viele Dinge" ist "Too many things" - the thing is plural! Aber als zweitsprache ist dein Englisch verdammt gut.


hope you get through this and i wish you the best of luck as always


it toally is a pain in the ass....until now I never thought about taxes...and I think I probably won't pay much taxes for 2016 cause I haven't earned a lot... yeah you're right...I mean in order to pay all of your crap like insureances and stuff you have to earn the gross cash others earn too...people tend to think you are highly overpaied but in the end it's probably less then they got...thx for shareing your experiance...and true I also work way more then all of my friends and got paied pretty bad in comparison...but well I think things will be better in the future. thx for the cheering!


hee hee thank you tickle-lover for the suggestion &lt;3 it's highly apprechiated! Thing is ...hee hee...I already do a lot of commissions ^^'' If I would do more I couldn't do Patreon stuff anymore...I mean...sure I always share the commissions with you guys but I think if I would do more commission work I couldn't do animations for you anymore... only if I got an animated commission... Well tell me if I got you wrong, sweetheart... Still super thanks to you for cheering me up and for helping me out! LOVE


I think I will be alright in the future....Patreon still growth and I hope it won't stop ^^ Thx Slash


Maybe I really got a wrong idea about the commission idea tickle-lover suggested...I only knew commissions as a xrta work...not as a patreon intern thing...I mean...thats somehow paying double fees...that sound a lil strange in my ears....maybe you could explain a lil more? thank you for helping me out, you guys! &lt;3


Awe! Danke fürs Verbessern...Meine Rechtschreibung und Grammatik ist n Graus! Tut mir leid ^^'' Danke, Paracelsus &lt;3


if animated commission are at 10$ why not