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The reason why you didn't got anythign new lately is cause I am sick again.
I really thought I am getting better, but it came back or I got something different... either way I am feeling like crap the past week, worked a bit but got a lot of sleep as well, when I got a fever again... I am so sick of this shit... pun intended

My boyfriend and I are sick for over a month now. When I got better he got worse and vice versa... we even tried to quaranteen ourself and keep away from each other to no success... It's just annoying and I am really sorry you are wasting your money on me... That's really a huge down side of being self employed... I can't expect you to pay for me when I am sick, like the way a company does when you are sick... 

I am sorry you won't get anything back, besides the feeling of supporting a dummy sick dude who is drawing porn when he is feeling well.

I am sorry

I really am.

I am crossing my fingers that I will be as good as new in no time, or at least in a few days... meanwhile I will work when ever the meds are kicking in and as long as I can.

I do what ever I can to get better, I get a lot of rest, inhale, take meds and drink plenty... I apprechiate you sending love... maybe it will help



Take literally all the time you need, dude! You can't put that kind of pressure on yourself; Patreon is a way to support the entire artist, no matter what condition they're in. You have no need to apologize for being under the weather, you literally can't control that.


Just take it easy and let your body recover naturally, your health absolutely comes first!


I can't speak for everyone but I know that a lot of us really like your art and can understand when a person is really sick and can't do things so please focus on getting better above everything else. Mich love to you and your BF to get better soon ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Take your time Ani, your health comes first. I'm sure you'll get over this sickness soon! 😁👍


My bf are experiencing something similar. We, especially myself, were being sick a lot lately. I think it’s a side effect of having had COVID. Blood works don’t show anything so doctors just tell us we’re having bad luck getting sick from every flu wave. Although it’s been better since we’ve been working on getting more exercise and vitamine D, and actively discussing or trying to limit anything that makes us very tired or causes stress. Maybe that’s something you two can explore as well. Stress was most likely one of the largest factors in making us susceptible to getting sick every time, according our doctor, and I suspect the same holds for you. I can imagine the pressure is building from being sick and running behind on your Patreon plans, but believe me when I say: we understand! Maybe one of the things that you can do to lessen the pressure is agree on a fixed (and slower) release schedule, a doodle bi-weekly, updates on mayor things every… month? To start with. Anything that can help relieve some of the pressure for you. I hope you recover soon and wish you well. And if I’m right, hopefully you’re able to figure out what causes stress in your life currently and how you can limit or avoid that stress. - kiss, C


Theres always the option to postpone payments to the next month , I know of creator who have done this when they coulnt deliver content for whatever reasons , not that i would care since ive already withdrawn my subscription


Man, COVID sucks, even you've 'recovered'. The important thing is you taking care of yourself, we can wait as long as you need. If you need to take a break we'll be here when you get back, if you need to slow down we'll support you. 💝

David Po

Health comes first in all things. Take things nice and slow if you need.