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It's been a hot min since we arrived in 2023...
First of all, I hope it treats you well so far, cause you all deserve it 🥰✨ Happy New Year, yeay🥳🍻

Well, for me it started with more downs then ups. Let's say life got in the way of creating p*rn for you atm...please bare with me 🙏

I don't wanna go into to much detail, but still try to make you understand a few important ongoings...

I am worried about my fathers health, my own condition, tax report, making a b-day gift for my bestie and it seems like we have to move this year as well. 😩
The house we are currently living in is falling apart. It's very cold so we get sick a lot, but finding a new flat is... difficult with the housing costs being astronomical nowadays... The good thing is a friends family offered us a flat that is in development at the very moment. Even though our rent will be WAY higher it is a VERY good deal compared to similar flats in our area, so we made the decision to move, probably in summer. This means I will be occupied a lot with packing, selling stuff, renovating a.s.o.... over the next months...☠️

Of course I will give my all to bring to you the best possible quality AND the usual quantety of art, so YOU don't have to suffer from my circumstances. ✨

I am still positive this year will become a very good year with lovely anims, comics and pics, especially now that I use Clipstudio. It's so much fun to work with.

If YOU have suggestions on how I can make my patreon more engaging, something other artists do on patreon you want me to try out or if you have something you wanna see more of in the future, let me know in the comments.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this. If you did let me know who is the better daddy: Prof Birch Pkmn or Iroh (Avatar-tlab) 🤣

Thanks for your support and I will get back to my usual smutty work asap 🥰

Love ya



Lelouch Valentyne

Iroh! We need more of him in Rule 34 and you're just the one to do it I think.


Iroh! Though I think you may want to explore Hudson from Gargoyles.


I'm profesor Birch team but please take care of yourself first and foremost! ♥️

David Po

Iroh for sure! Please take care of yourself! Moving to a new living space is always a stressful thing, but taking the time to do it properly will make things go so much faster. A tip for living costs: tape clear plastic over the windows to stop drafts in the new place. It really helps cut down on heating.


I wish you good fortune. I think Birch is the hotter one, but also there isn't a lot of him online.


Definitely Iroh for sure. Take care of yourself!


If there is something I want to see more of, it is your pixel art. I've been captivated by your sprites and I'd like to see more of them, animated or sketches.


Take care of you first, hun. We totally understand


Prof. Birch, There's too little NSFW of him!!! I hope everything goes well for you! Take your time if needed, your health is more important.

Baker Belly

Professor Birch! I hope everything goes well for you this year.