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Uhm... Eurofurence (taking place in Berlin Germany 24-28 August 2022) is around the corner and I got a seat in their after dark dealers den (shop area)...
Soooo I figured I should start doing artworks for it. Came up with a series of pics that are similar in style and pose and share a black&white-gold-jungle-theme.

I kinda like the idea so I did some testing with those three. I am not so much a fan of the cheetah, cause it looks to "cute", but I still like the general idea, making it erotic but not necessary pornographic, so it can be displayed by costumers...

What do you guys think?

I hope you enjoy those so far :)




They all look beautiful to me; I especially like the rhino and the tone and texture for them are nice and interesting


I can see what you mean about the cheetah but I REALLY like him, oh gosh


These are excellent, the contrast with the gold is great. The cheetah is cute!