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Hey my sweeties,

I wanna share some side project I had with a friend of mine meanwhile.

There are those merch ideas in my head I wanna explore more and a very good friend of mine was willing to help me out with a commission work. I am so glad I finaly got some funds to spend on projects like this and work with friends to tackle my visions... SO A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR HELPING ME OUT! 

Sooo...We build a prototyp made of paper and alu foil in order to get some sewing petterns from it. 

(yeah those are my legs ^^'')

Took us a whole day to get this prototyp

Afterwards she took sewing patterns of it and did a marvelous designer test... if you ever go for a plush toy in 3D don't use marvelous... That didn't worked out well cause of the weird constrains in that prog... 

so I did some overpaints of different angles for her in order to get my vision of what the toy should look like

Finaly she took the model to z brush and did a very quick edit... which turned out to be so much better in all ways as you can see in the collage I did... 

Funny...I was browsing the web for some suitable crafters earlier and suddenly a friend wrote me a txt... she heard about this project from the modeler and know a guy who can sew plush toys... weird coincedence... so I talked to him and he will try out some stuff ... hope he will be able to manage all the bubbly design pattern... so I stay tuned... hope you do too ;)

So yeah hope you enjoy this lil WIP... Thanks for your support to make things like this possible.






Now this is a toyline I can get behind.


Actualy the idea is to have it moded as well so you actualy could shove your dick inside it hahahah....that would be something ^^


Would totally buy one~ though a little bum hole would add to it.


And there it goes, a door closed and a window opened 😄, SO 😃, WHEN CAN I ASK FOR A REAL LIFE SIZE GLAS OF MY VERY OWN (and anatomically correct and proportionated)? 😍


But for a Glas real-size, his dick would be like an xxl dildo from mr hankey


part of me is hoping the cock can double as a dildo ... Glass dildos would sell for a lot i imagine ...


Ooooh ooooh I want one!


maybe it should be musk scented lmao


But will it be fuckable?


I'd love to get one with a removable cock so I can display him on my shelf when company is over. 💙


Please please please make this.


I'm late for this but I believe it need more details the way I see it it's just 2 big pecks and a big dick the rest of the body is bland