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What should I do with the content I produced for this Game?

I was looking forward to play this game so much. I put so much work and dedication into it...

Leting it go really breaks my heart. I am very emotional with this project...working on it for so long now...so I can't decide what to do...

If you don't agree on none of the listed options or if you have a suggestion to solve my dilemma, write your idea down in the comment section below. Thank you for your participation.


Paxton Roth

That was a selfish move on his part to just completely drop it AND cut all contact.

Paxton Roth

But there's plenty of horney coders out there to help you out ~<3


i don't really know what happened behind the scenes, but i'm so sorry to hear, AA... it seems they left you off in a very immature way, without much communication theres a few easy programs you could pick up, for example game maker studio, or unity 2d (since it seems to be a 2d based game) that are completely free as well. i've spent some time with them, so i know first hand they aren't incredibly difficult to work with, just a bit time consuming


Thx for the suggestion, 8.... I just don't know if I am capable of handling code like that. I always had issues to wrap my brain around computer logic... but I may give it a try in the end of the month


Maybe take some snippets of it and show us, but keep an active like Ad or call for another coder, seems like such an investment you put into it and I'd love to see you proud


I'm sorry to hear what has transpired behind the scenes of what happened with you and the coder. Don't let this ruin you're dreams and views on the game. Most times with a lot of big projects there is always going to be an obstacle to get in the way. I've experienced that as well for things I get my hopes for and other things will come in to hinder me. However, of course I could talk about my experience but that's not the reason I'm typing this out. I'm writing this because I want to tell you not to let some short-tempered coder get in the way of something you wanted to do. Don't make him leaving affect how you feel, don't let him make you feel in a shitty mood, and don't let him make you feel it's on you. He could've have spoken about the FAQ with you after you finished it, so it's not your fault. Honestly, it may have been for the best as well that he ended up leaving because he didn't seem like someone with that much of an open mind. So take the loss on him and not having a programmer at the moment, but there will be someone to willing to help reach your goal and future for your project. It's just not right now, so just wait for a bit. Also my suggestion on this is to reach out on Discord or on Patreon. It's up to you, or maybe to help fish in some a little quicker...maybe offer a free commission on every milestone they hit with you big project as like payment? (You may have noticed I'm not good at suggestions, but I'm good at being supportive ♥) So you can either consider the suggestions to fish out some helpers quicker or ignore it if it doesn't help you out lol. But I do want to say is to think about what I said, not my suggestions, what I said before that. Don't let him spoil your mood or dreams for your big project. You're a cheerful, sweet, loving, caring guy and that's what really matters ♥. Stay optimistic, love ♥.


Leave the project alone for a week to too, then come back to it. Hopefully you'll find another programmer.


Thank you so much for your thoughts on it hon. It really helped me out. I am not mad at him. I mean it was his time and if he don't feel like continuing on it then it is like it is... I will try to figure out something. I am sure I will find someone or maybe I try to do some tutorials by myself and see how far I could come with Game Maker... I actualy have a license for this but never used it. Anyways. thanks so much for your lovely words and for your time. I am sure it will all work out in the end. Huggles ya Wrecked


Remember, where a door gets closed God opens a window; hang on to what you love, theres more than one coder in the world, (and here comes a window) have you considered looking in furaffinitty? There are people with increadible and naughty stuff in games, or maybe animan the flash animator or


Maybe the guys from meatlog mountain games (surely you heard from them). Their games, OOOHHHHH DEAR sooooo much muscle and smut 🤤. You just have patience, the idea is already molded, drawing work is already made, you just need someone with skill and desire... Love and luck, i grant to you the stuff that make things work


How hard is it to find coders anyway?

Ket Ralus

I'm trying to catch up on things. What is this game you speak of?