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Finaly came up with something kinda suitable...

I tryed things you don't wanna even imagine... I did horrible horrbile things --_--''

It really takes a lot time to wrap my head around UI Design...

Never did this before... Well I already did concepts for UI's in the past but never needed to execute those. It really is ... an experiance ^^'' 

What do you guys think of it so far?

Any suggestions? I know this isn't something exciting for you but it have to be done. Hope you don't mind.

Thank you for your patience and support!






Ohh I like it. Simple clean interface and I love the emphasis on blue. Is it like a break out type game or something akin to columns?

Resonable Keno

It look awesome 😉👍🏽


Can’t for the finished product 😏


Yeah it is with a strip element and some interaction with Glas ;) thx for the feedback.... I had super flashy things before....it was really horrbile... but blue and grey I think works harmonic and calm


"wait" probably? I am so glad I can work on it properly now... It's so hard to try things and screw up and doing all that within a few days a month.


ooh, i hope there's gonna be a gallery for all the unlocked pics afterwards in game~ it looks a little odd to me that the game itself takes up 1/3rd of the screen, but it makes sense to me with how the pictures are drawn i think the rest of the UI should kind of match with the logo. the logo is really stylized, but the buttons are kind of flat. a bit of shading to them might help?


Thx for the great feedback. I agee that the 1/3rd size for the main game is a lil small but the original design was made for tablets/smart phones... the issue with that is the hovering hand of yours over the screen covers up the interesting parts. so the decision to make it a game you play with the mouse on pc is something that took away the original layout. but I think for the better, cause now you can fap with one hand and play the game with the other without covering up the artwork. For the Logo VS everything else... you are right... it's a big contrast...but somehow I like the clean design for the buttons compared to the very artsi fartsi paint platters and logo... I will think it over again, but I probably will stick to it for now. thanks again for the detailed feedback! it helped a lot. It's really hard to be creative on my own sometimes... especialy when it comes to things I never have done before ^^''