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Last week was really packed with things.

So one thing we made is this experimental relief thing for my bf's sisters birthday.

so we made a clay mold and filled it with plaster... I didn't thought about the clay sticking to the table... that's why...


But I tried to glue everything together. Gluing plaster is a nightmare btw

washed the pieces, painted them, glued cardboard on the back and it worked. I hope when she hangs it, it won't fall apart O.O
But the result is really cool. Using dryed and hard plants works way better then fresh ones btw. If you wanna try as well, I could provide tutorials from YouTube.

Additionally we dug holes for a hedge.
Playing Real life Animal Crossing is hard

Hope it will work out and the plants will like their new home.

So far for the crafty bits of the week.

To celebrate my bf's sisters Bday, we went for a burlesque show on saturday. Have a glimps

Additionally I worked on an animated commission, which I will show you in another post.

Hope you enjoyed this lil trip through my week.





David Po

Looks like a lot of fun! Shame about the plaster cracking, but the result still looks incredible👌


I really like this kind of art as well. I just love flowers in general, so its really cool, you can "preserve" those this way

Chi Chi

So much amazingness