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  • GGGB_10_5000.webm
  • GGGB_10_5000s.mp4



Edit: Added sound to the .mp4 version.

Hi, all

For the last week of August and in the first half of September, I took some time off to drive around Europe with my partner. A really invigorating experience! I had prepared an animation for September in advance so I wouldn’t need to worry about it. In the end I decided to leave that animation for later, since it has potential for a larger animation, and quickly did this one instead. It’s a bit rough around the edges, I still don’t quite like how the legs move but oh well, out of time.

I’m at episode 6 of Gen 5. It has been a bit of a letdown so far, though the episodes have gotten better both writing and animation wise towards the end. We’ll see how it goes from here, I wish we had more than just 8 episodes in a season. >_> Misty is cute af though. I have a feeling she’s the pony for the next animation…




I was wondering if this could have a 1000ksp file


Longer animations are always a plus. Can't wait to see it!

Kevin Bell

The new series' relation to FiM has really soured me away from watching it. Besides, unless Hasbro tries to force it, there's no way this new show is going to last as long as FiM did. It can only ride those coattails for so long.

Kevin Bell

Also, the mp4 file doesn't have any sound.


Yeah, I can’t see G5 to last very long either, just got to (try to) enjoy while it lasts and then move on.


I love glimmy!


I would love to see some deepthroat creampies again :X


And please no condoms, I hate "Liebestöter" ^^