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  • Breast FBF Test.mp4
  • Swell Singles - Audio and Intro Test.mp4



Mixed voice using audacity and tweaked it in moho. Going for a kingsley or banjo-kazooie vibe. Tried a few new camera cuts and angles while trying not to hide behind blur transitions which I think made everything flow more naturally. Also, swell singles logo has been finalized. I wanted to incorporate a donut into the expansion hazard stick figure and I think it's more focused than the first intro transition.

As far as if this was to become a thing, I'd like it to be episodic shorts. At the worst, invader zim styled horror with loose connections from episode to episode, and at best something that's like a mash up of totally spies and retro game vibes, with each episode being completely stand alone for the most part. IDK, right now I'm just focusing on refining the concept and the skills needed to make it happen as while I know most folks are here for "the plot" I'd kinda like some actual narrative structure to go with it, which means learning how to script and storyboard properly.

But that's enough ranting from me. I hope y'all like it.



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