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But it's a functional janky mess. :3

This took so much time to figure out and originally i was going to attempt to do something much larger but the moment I felt like I had an understanding of Godot i plunged into the deepest pits of not knowing anything. however while i'm crawling out of that pit, I managed to put together this and push understanding and writing code from scratch a bit better.

I'm SUPER glad I didn't go ahead with the adventure game / visual novel idea nor the platformer idea because I'm realizing I have a LONG way to go before all of that.

However, i think fun mini games in between while learning should be nice, at least until I have the skills to take on a larger project. Next time i want to try something with full art in my usual style but we'll have to see. Y'all take care this weekend now. :)




Awesome - Nicely done!