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  • Dance Parlor Update V001.mp4



Decided to hunker down and try to finish it even if i think the concept may have been to complex. I'll consider it a challenge or something. whatever keeps me motivated to not buckle under the idea of spending weeks / months on a single video.

Got the 4 intro scenes done so next is animating shantae and the expansion scenes. again, i'm not trying to go for anything too special. I'd consider it a success if the end result ended up being something similar to that bandigalz n.fected video i did a while back.

This is mostly to learn moho and davinchi so i can make better videos in the future with youtube being a place to host series (or maybe newgrounds or other pages, idk right now), which is why it has the warning shot, the series title shot followed by the episode title shot before opening to the actual animation starting with the boombox. in future animations i may skip opening shots but it depends on what i'm doing and where the videos are going to be posted based on their content.

Anyway, it goes without saying that doing this takes a long time, especially when juggling other obligations and needs so I appreciate everyone that's been sticking around despite me not being as active as other artists / animators online. I'll try upload some updates or shots as they are finished at the very least so folks can see that i'm working on it. I'll check back in when i can, until then, y'all stay healthy, happy and hopeful out there. :3



Looking good!