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Heey everyone!! Better late than never I guess 😅
I guess at this point in time it would be better to call this one november drawings part 1 but i didn't want to mess up the timeline xD' still I'm trying to be as productive as possible to get some more stuff done within this month. Hope you enjoy this set. I also finally got a cover done for Gary and Pit 3. Not completely sure if I'll keep it when everything is finished, but for now I guess it will do just fine :)
Download here:

Also a quick note: If you have trouble downloading - please let me know. I sometimes receive notifications from dropbox from some of you guys, that ask for permission. I'm not completely sure, but accepting those request would give out additional permission to edit the files, which I cannot allow. But it's not needed to download the files from my understanding. So please, if there are any troubles with the link or you have problems downloading, please let me know and I'll try to help out :)
As always thanks so much for your support!! ❣




Luca in the pajamas is soooo attractive!