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Heey everyone :)
Here are the sfw rewards for this month!
Honestly I didn't feel that inspired the last weeks. I was trying to make some new character designs, looking if I'm feeling excited about some new ideas, but so far it has been difficult to get excited about things 😅 But taking things too serious and overthinking wont help a lot either, so I'm trying my best not to care too much xD'
Still I'm immensley grateful for your support and sticking with me!

Download here:




There is a nude on number 9 just a heads up


haha i noticed right after I uploaded it, but it's fine i guess xD' I was a bit in a rush to get the new stuff out quickly 😅


for some reason my antivirus thinks this file folder has a trojan virus in it just so you are aware. I'm not sure what it is detecting, but the NSFW set was fine.