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Heyyy I bet you didn't see this one coming :'D
I got the idea a few days before my birthday and I wanted to draw Noah in a maid outfit for fun. I had this feeling that his personality is more on the stubborn side, and he wouldn't be convinced easily xD And I somehow connected the dots :P

It's not nsfw yet, and i'm not completely sure if i'll just end it there storywise, adding some bonus illustrations, showing them in action in this setting, or if it should continue 🤔 I have a minor twist in the back of my head on how it could end alternatively, but... i don't know - what do you guys think?

Download here:




I love it


It'd be good to see it continue, only because I'm a perv and I want more lol Great stuff, I love it!

Ronny Marshall

Looks like Noah is going to get covered in two hot man stink


Hmmmm… I like story twists… very curious about where you’d like to turn the story :3