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Heey guys!!
Again, I'm very sorry I didn't manage to update last month :(
This pack includes the drawings from december to january so far.
This surely won't be the only post for january, but while I was sorting my art, I just added the few drawings I already did in 2021. Also working on a short comic I'm about to share, which added a bit to the stress - but i really hope you'll enjoy :3
Stay healthy and thank you very much for your support!! 😘

Download here:





I hope you do more of the red head! He’s so hot 🥵 amazing art hopefully I get as good as you one day. 😩😣


Personally, I'd love to see more of whoever the redhead is topping. Do they have names?


not yet... :') but i'll try to ellaborate their designs and think of some names in the near future hopefully xD'