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Heeey guys!
I hugely apologize for being so quiet this month.. I was working non stop to finally get this project done and i eagerly wanted to share it with you but it was a bit overwhelming at times... and this pdf is still kind of a draft, since I'm currently waiting for feedback of my prof, who wasn't happy with my design.. but he liked the drawings a lot, so i guess that's what's most important with stuff like this after all.
This is the anatomy chapter for my tutorial book, which is also the biggest chapter. I tried to explain the structure of how I think while drawing, but my phrasing might be a bit confusing here and there, cause i was writing most texts in one week on total pressure xD' idk.. i don't want to complain, but there are probably a lot of things i need to fix still, before i actually print it, etc.. Still I hope it's good enough already to be of help :)




Josh Vidmar

Oh my god, this is amazing. And now I know what I'm doing the rest of the weekend.

Sergio Ibarra

That's the best way to write your tesis. I did the same with mine 🥴


I feel blessed, I get my break from work and you post this chapter of awesome! Thank you!

Russell Benton

WOW! Are you selling these as a book later? That would be great!


Highly pressed 😯👌🏻