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Superheroes are so fun, I should draw more! I remember a while ago I thought about making July the official "Superhero Month", we'll see... I don't think anyone would complain about some more pampered tuff guys and gals, would ya?!

I love a fun reward like this where I get to experiment a little, and the Babyman style makes it super easy to do alternate outfits and such, more fun!

I hope you like it and can spend some time playing with cool merch on your blankie, or whatever it is you like to do for relaxation :) Thank you all so very much!




D'aww. Poor thing <3


A...dare I say it? WONDERFUL little set here~ And if you do decide to go forward with that theme next month, I will TOTALLY draw some superheroes babied HARD!




Are you trying to get me hyped for Duperbutt July? Because I'm getting hyped for Duperbutt July 🤔 I even came up with a stupid name for it!


Oh you KNOW IT~! Plenty of Super-"zeros" to pick from for Duperbutt July~!


This is phenomenal! And you should totally do a duperbutt July, I’ll be standing with you on that


On another note, I don’t really get what’s going on in the middle panel. I get that she’s going backwards towards baby but I don’t really understand what the speech bubbles are implying. I’m just a bit lost


Lol, sorry! It sounds like you have put more thought into this than I have 😅 Ya wear a diaper on a space walk (at least in the old days), and the big round bottom looks more like a bubble gum machine than a butt; maybe trying to be too clever, or not clever enough ;D They aren't really meant to be connected either, but I guess you can use your imagination and think of it however you like! :)


Silly princess, lol. I love the star-spangled diaper cover.