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After a long day of stamping documents, catching bugs and buying furniture (I have not played Animal Crossing 👀) a certain hardworking civic leader should take a nice break!  For this fella that means going to visit his pal Goldie for a little stay in her nursery.

Boy oh boy drawing this reward just about gave me cavities! It seems like a lot of you wanna see cutesy stuff too, so I decided to take a week off from the Marty misadventures (which is not headed in his favor, if you remember) and post this nice, calm little stroll through being a big babbo with your friends. How nice!

I think I'll take a poll next week to judge the general way the wind blows because I realized that subscribership has changed a lot since I did something like that! I don't think things will change a lot, but I wanna make sure I'm posting things that you lovelies want to see.

Thank you all so much and have a wonderful weekend!!




I love how cute this is!


I think its better to have variety which will please more folks without limiting yourself.