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Look I've met and heard of plenty of fine people named Karen, and I really don't want to upset any Karen-named fans out there, but when the person asking for this reward dropped the name, it was no mystery what they meant. 😎 

Now this was a very special, three part reward and is no duh my longest sprite yet! So I chopped it up into bite size bits so you can watch your favorite part forever, and THEN there's the full version. And I thought the tantrums came out totally adorbs so I isoated those for you all as well :D I hope none of that is confusing.

Don't expect very many of these super long animations, something like 150 frames! Soo much work... But I hope you like! 

Have a super weekend and don't be rude, or this might happen!




I absolutely adore this animation! I’m not sure if you’re in the ab/dl or little/big dynamic but the way you speak through your writing just strikes me as so genuine and heartfelt. Thank you for continuing to make pieces in this vein!!


I love this so much!!! 😍


So adorable!


Good gosh this looks great, the work definitely shows! As someone who's personally into older ladies getting the treatment (even rude, fussy gals like Ms. Karen here), this is just the most~❤ Wonderful friggin' work!


Aww, poor thing probably needs a nap. What was she yelling about in the first place?