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Boy is Miranda ever nasty! Kim is remembering what it was like to be her employee before all this and is starting to think fulltime babysitting might have actually been better.... If Miranda getting too mean for anyone, just keep in mind what usually happens to bullies around here...

And the next page will be out on Tuesday, instead of a whole week from now! So exciting :)

Thank you all so much, have a fun weekend and I hope you're looking forward to next week's fun stuff!




Pretty boss move to call a press conference while still wearing a dirty diaper


This is such a great set of panels! Love their expressions! Can't wait to see how her comments backfire.


Oh she is so about to get spanked


Oooh ho ho ho, she’s sooo about to get it from Kimmy. And she deserves it!! Btw the demot tag keeps this page from being searchable in the usual demotion therapy collection


It’s also great to see Tracy again. I really just want to see her get to be a happy baby