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Hello everyone! 

Flamedramon is here!  Download the SFM model and the Blender file at this link: Flamedramon - Google Drive

The textures of the model for Blender are packed in the file, also the model has a basic ik rig with which the model can be animated and it is shaded with Cycles.

*Update v.1.1 (SFM): The bug related to the bones "bip_lowerArm_R" and "upperArmTwist_R" has been fixed. The file in the Google drive folder is already updated.

Thank you very much for your support, thanks to you this is possible! I love you all! 💓




Im new to blender, so i have no idea how to move her arms or legs from the shoulder bone. it only twists her arm and the collar bone keeps the arm in one spot, not rotating it at all. This set up is very common among models, and I'd like to make this one work.


To move her arms and legs, you have to move them with the bones that are in their extremities, they are called IK_Hand_L, IK_Hand_R, IK_Foot_L, and IK_Foot_R and to control the knees and elbows it is with the bones IK_Elbow_L, IK_Elbow_L, IK_Knee_L and IK_Knee_R


There is an issue with the bip_lowerarm_R on the sfm version. The elbow does not move correctly and the arm does not move with it.


Thank you for reporting the bug, as soon as I fix it I will update this post with the model with the issue fixed