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[A/N: this one is super short, as it was never finished...]

Eastern Apartment Sprawl:

That had been quite illuminating. The encounter with the ‘police’ had given me lots of new data to analyze. Most important was that I had confirmed that more than one human had unexplainable abilities. This was a large relief, if multiple humans had such strange abilities I was less likely to draw ire for displaying my own. In fact both my disguise and jump from the top of the building had been calculated to display similarity with my new companion while hopefully seeming non-threatening. Unfortunately I didn’t know what he looked like under his coverings and hadn’t been able to match my looks to his more. I had settled on a slight amalgamation of common looks, very light brown skin tone, gray eyes, hair short and a slight blend of blond/brown. I aimed for slightly smaller and younger than what I judged him to be. Humans have interesting dynamics for what they consider threatening or safe. Too different and they feared for their safety, too similar and they feared for their position. Hopefully my display when attacking the flying vehicle hadn’t shattered the image I was trying to convey.

“Over here, I need to get this mask off before someone else sees us.”

I briefly checked to make sure we were far enough ahead of the police (I detected no pursuers), and followed him into the indicated alcove. No longer hesitant he pulled off the mask and revealed pale white skin, green eyes, and jet black hair, edging towards the longish side (dang, I had been way off on my guess).

“Let’s see, my disguise is toast but I still have… this.” 

Reaching into the bag, he pulled out a bundle which he unfolded to reveal a backpack with bold red and white markings.

“The police know what I was wearing but hopefully this will throw anyone looking for a brown duffel.”

As he spoke he began moving the contents of the brown bag to the red and white one. Apparently what he had taken from the police faction was large amounts of currency. My estimate put it at just above $10,000. Strangely though I didn’t think this amount of currency was enough to warrant the response. The police had risked, and lost, an expensive flying vehicle to try and get back $10,000. Cars I had seen for sale were anywhere between 10,000 and 100,000. A complicated flying vehicle must have been worth much more. I decided to ask. If some factions were hyper aggressive I needed to know more to plan out this situation.

“May I ask, why did the police come after you so aggressively when you only stole around $10,000 from them?”

He looked up at me with an expression I didn’t recognize. Closest approximation was disbelief/surprise/annoyance. Damn. I must have misspoke.

With a sigh he finished packing up the bag and then replied:

“Ok dude, I’m super thankful for the assist and I will totally share a cut with you, but I need you to cut it out with the mysterious stranger routine.”

I didn’t know how to reply to that, and he seemed to pick up on it. Zipping up the backpack he motioned for me to follow him.

[A/N: and then they both joined Hellion's Henchmen and lived happily ever after.

...Or do they? Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn!

Hope you all enjoyed these. The real chapter should be out soon™.]


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